Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why I Can't Agree with the Fat Acceptance Movement

OK, let me start off by saying I do not dislike fat people- I have tons of fat friends and I absolutely love them to death. So no, I do not condone making fun of anyone of larger sizes. In fact, I don't condone making fun of anyone period. It's just plain fucked up.
With that being said, I'm going to have a mini rant about the fat acceptance movement. Right now there is movement lead by two women that say being big is beautiful and everyone needs to accept them for what they are. That means that the fashion world would have to change their standards of beauty and show BBW as regular models (ha!). I say that because we're talking about the fashion industry; they set the tone for what's beautiful, not the other way around. Of course beauty is an open definition and I know that not everyone defines it as being 5'8", size 0 models. But still, that's demanding a lot.

To be honest, that's not what bothers me. I have my own issue with the fashion industry, and let's face it, who doesn't? But that's not the point. The fat acceptance movement is demanding that doctors be more kind towards their fat patients. What does that mean? Instead of telling a morbidly obese individual that they are on the fast track to get diabetes, heart problems, cancers, and diseases like arthritis, and that the only way they can keep healthy is to lose weight, they want doctors to say instead (if they don't have these problems already) that they are perfect the way they are. Sort of like telling a person who smokes that though may not have health problems now, they should expect them ever even though we know, after lots and lots of scientific research, that that isn't the case at all.

I've read some blogs from some women that are pissed that schools are stepping up to the plate and telling them that their kids are fat and something needs to be done. They bitch and complain that their kids are beautiful the way they are and that they don't need to lose weight. Which is nice if childhood diabetes wasn't on the rise. It's projected that soon, one in three kids are going to be afflicted with childhood diabetes by the time they are 15. Childhood diabetes have been proven to cut off about on average fifteen years of an individual's life, and can also provide fun side effects such as blindness, loss of limbs, infections, and slower healing time. It's great if you want to risk yourself for these kinds of problems, but why would you do it to your child?

This is concern that telling a child about their weight problems can cause stress and possible eating disorders, but if you do worry about that, talk to your pediatrician and see what kind of other diets your kid can pursue.It's not necessary to have discussion about weight loss every meal; instead, educate your child about what's good to put in their body and what's not. Talk to them about nutritional content so they know what choices to make when they're older. The fat acceptance movement is not for the interest of the people and definitely not for the interest of children.

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